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Anchor 1
Professional ​

My interests are carbon-bearing, clay, sulfate minerals, remote IR spectroscopy, CRISM, image processing, craters, Mars, and instrumentation.

Johns Hopkins University
Ph.D. Earth & Planetary Science

​2018 - present

Sam Houston State University
M.S. Geographic Information Systems

​2014 - 2017

Wesleyan University
B.A. Earth & Environmental Science

​2010 - 2014

Graduate Researcher​
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, ​Laurel, MD
Aug 2018 - Present

Visiting Researcher
Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory,​ Washington, DC
June 2017 - Present 

Novastar Prep, ​Remote 
​Mar 2019 - Present

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Intern
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, ​Laurel, MD 
Feb 2018 - Aug 2018

Geospatial Vector Data Production Manager
Army Geospatial Center,​ Alexandria, VA
​Dec 2016 - May 2018

Planetary GIS Consultant (Intern)
NASA Langley Research Center, ​Hampton, VA 
May 2016 - April 2018

Atmospheric Data Scientist (Intern)
NASA Langley Research Center,​ Hampton, VA 
​Jan 2016 - May 2016 

GIS/CAD Technician
TranSystems,​ Houston, TX 
July 2014 - Aug 2015

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Department of Earth & Environmental Science​, Wesleyan University 
​May 2012 - May 2014 
Outreach &
DC STEM Network Ambassador
Carnegie Institution for Science,​ ​Washington, DC 
​July 2017 

Lead Observatory Volunteer ​
National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution,​ ​Washington, DC 
​August 2017 - Present 

Diversity and Inclusion Committee Member ​
Smithsonian Institution,​ ​Washington, DC 
​February 2019 

The Women+ of Color Project Committee Member
Harvard University & Virtually 
May 2019 - Present 

Space Interns Committee Member
Washington, DC & Virtually
​August 2020 

Black in Geoscience Committee Member ​
​August 2020 

Astrobiology Graduate Conference Committee Member ​
DC-Maryland-Virginia & Virtually
​February 2021 
Honors &
NASA Connecticut Space Grant Scholarship​
​Spring 2012 
Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program Scholar
Spring 2012 - Spring 2014 
2018 GEM Associate Fellow
The National GEM Consortium ​
​Fall 2018 - Present 
3​rd​ Place Student Poster Competition
​Summer 2019 
Kelly Miller Fellowship
Johns Hopkins University ​
​Sept 2019 
Aaron, L. M.​, Seelos, K. (2021), Investigation Of Hydrothermal Clays and Sulfates in Tyrrhena Terra Martian Craters. 52​ nd​Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Virtual, Abstract 2548.
Aaron, L. M.​, Steele, A., Shkolyar, S., Seelos, K., Viviano, C., Applin, D., Cloutis, E. (2019), Investigating Oxalate Mineral Formations on Mars using CRISM Hyperspectral Imaging Data. Astrobiology Science Conference, Seattle, WA, Abstract 118-014.
Aaron, L. M.​, Steele, A., Shkolyar, S., Seelos, K., Viviano, C., Applin, D., Cloutis, E. (2019), Detecting Oxalate Minerals on Mars Using CRISM and In-Situ Spectroscopy. 50​th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, Abstract 2132.
Latorella, K., Tisdale, M., ​Aaron, L.​, Leinenveber, J., Wilson, J., Werynski, A., Gant, P. (2017). A GIS Layer Depicting Proposed Human Landing Sites & Exploration Zones on Mars & Tool to Investigate These. PSIDA.  
Gilmore, M. S., Golder, K. B., Korn, L., & ​Aaron, L. M.​ (2014), Carbonate associated with gullies in the Eridania region of Mars. Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791, 1388. 
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